Our new “Spotlight ON” feature kicks off with Journeywoman Heather MacMaster


Thank you for visiting our new “Spotlight ON” feature where we will be speaking with members of the Gaston Team and asking them questions about their careers, backgrounds, and interests.

We’re kicking off this new series with Journeywoman Heather MacMaster. At the time of this post, Heather is working at the Boston University Center for Computing and Data Sciences Building.

How long have you been an Electrician?

Nearly 20 years.

Tell me how things have changed regarding Women on jobsites over your 20 years?

I went from being one of the only females onsite to being one of five on my current job. Females currently make up 10% of construction in Mass and are more accepted on jobsites.

I know you started a Facebook Group recently with some friends. What’s the name of it?

 It is called Boston Union Trade Sisters.

How did you start this group?

During the pandemic last year, I was talking to an old friend from another Local about the idea of starting a Facebook Group for all Women in the trades. It started with 5 Women and has grown to almost 700 in one year. 

Why did you start this group?

We wanted to create a safe space for Women in the trades to network, get advice on work-related issues and personal matters, and build a community of strong, confident females working in the construction field.

What has surprised you about this group of Women?

Seeing the amount of support people receive from strangers. It’s an uplifting group of Women; we really feel like sisters.

I understand you hold events throughout the year. What kind of events has your group hosted?

We’ve held bowling nights, self-defense class, cookouts, dance lessons, a double-dutch tournament – and soon we’re hosting our first Gala.

Can you talk more about the Gala? Tell me about the inspiration for this event and what should people expect if they attend?

The Facebook Group founders wanted to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished this past year. The Gala takes place on April 2nd in Quincy. We’ve already sold out and expect nearly 300 people. We’re going to have female speakers talking about the importance of Women in construction as well as dinner, dancing, and raffles to raise funds for the group and community.

What can we expect to see from Boston Union Trade Sisters in the future?

We’re hoping to grow, offer more continuing education for Women, and inspire other cities/states to create their own community of Tradeswomen.